The Power of Ideas, December 10

December 10 marks the annual presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize and the International Human Rights. The winner of the Nobel Prize this year, the price is the Republic of China Liu, professor and human rights activists for the promotion of democracy at peace and more freedom for citizens imprisoned.

The Nobel Committee has recognized: "It is not likely to result in physical delivery (the medal and prize), which is the price that must be maintained to Liu Xiaobo, was received later in person at a time."

The fuel system reaction Republic of China is visible inward movement of human rights. Shows what hurts me the hearts and minds of dictators with their silence means the granting of Liu. Arrest highlights the power of ideas and words. Reaffirmed the need, freedom of expression and of assembly, the need for independent media in an informed public to protect.

Liu Xia, wife of Nobel lureate again her unique voice in the outside world. Human Rights in China said she visited her husband on October 10, two days after announcing the award.

During the one hour session, Ms. Liu said her husband informed of the award was the day before. The HRIC report notes: "When you spoke about the award, which was very serious and said:" This award is for the lost souls of June 4 said it was because they violate the spirit of giving his life for peace, freedom and democracy when finished, was moved to tears. "

On June 4, 1989, ordered the People's Republic of China, Cuba, a dictator for human rights and the peaceful expression of democracy in what became known as the slaughter of Tiananmen destroyed. Then as now, the political fixer and state media have imposed a ban on foreign news sources. The propaganda machine: nationalism, Western plot and benefits. The message: the pattern of administration and economy, while hampered by the independent media and the justice of democracy and human rights kidding.

Before the announcement of the awards, the Chinese Foreign Ministry warned that the Nobel Committee awarded the "criminal" Liu Xiaobo, contrary to the principles of Nobel.

However, the Nobel Committee, Liu was the command line of the struggle for human rights in China. After the announcement, the Foreign Ministry reiterated China's Liu was a criminal. Xinhua news agency said the price was "desecrated" the Nobel Prize and could harm relations between China and Norway.

Liu Xiaobo is primarily a writer. In his final statement before his day of detention, last Christmas, "he writes." Hatred can be decomposed into a person's intelligence and consciousness thinking enemy poison the minds of the nation encourage conflict murderers, destroy the tolerance of society and humanity and hinder the progress of a nation to freedom and democracy. So I hope to overcome my personal experience, when I see our country's development and social change to combat the hostility of the more favorable treatment, and dispel hatred with love. "

The spin-masters of the People's Republic of China to choke on their current task. Their job is to kill a human rights defender and ideas in a new environment. Hopefully the story of Liu Xiaobo may be well known within the People's Republic of China.